Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Remembrance ..

The soul is on fire the body gone..
I raise my eyes to the sky, you, the dawn..
Each hour of the day reborn..
You are the light that through all time shone...

When I sit in the places you were..
Every fragment of memory held dear..
The good the bad all you feared..
Were the fibers of life we steered...

That footprint in my heart I see..
On it the light will always be..
The one that guides me to the shore..
Anchoring my character at the core...

Cleansing me every second..
Straightening that every bend..
Strengthening that very integrity..
Bathing this life in purity..

hamza ..

Saturday, December 10, 2016

A Twig Off A Tree ..

I watch the trees ..
In a storm ..
As the wind whips them
Back and forth ..
They bend,
They wave in all angles ..

But they never break ..
They just snap back up ..
And stand up straight ..

I wish that I could be ..
Like those trees in those winds ..

Unbreakable ..

hamza ..

Saturday, November 26, 2016

As It All Ends ..

I reached out to touch that hand
but it has reached so far away,
the farther i tried..
the farther it went
like the tide in the sea..

The minutes pass like years..
i feel those thoughts running through my mind..
i make a wish on a shooting star
helplessly wishing many but none..

I am what we have always been
dreamer, searching for answers..
in the night sky I look for light...
in a world blinded by materialism and hedonism;

as I take the pieces of the dreams
still left within me..
and spread them out,
to rearrange them one by one..
I move one step closer;

Standing on borrowed time,
and running out of options..
I move one step closer ..
determined to find the stranger within...

hamza ..

Friday, July 22, 2016


Want to talk to you, don't know what to say ..
Want to hear you, though I know what you have to say ..

There were all the wrong reasons, taking expression ... 
There are all the right reasons, now no ears to hear ... 

hamza ..

Saturday, July 9, 2016

Retrospecting ..

My image has altered in the mirror..
Not much cleaner and not much clearer...
It stares at me, not blinking much..
It does not smile, I do not smile..

I ask myself who made the glaring changes..
Neither too likely and nor too kindly...
You've taken me, I tell myself..
I am not smiling, I do not smile...

My being has altered in your mirage..
Not too quickly, not too keenly..
You've spoilt me, so habituated me ...
I cannot smile, I do not smile...

hamza ..

Thursday, July 7, 2016

About Us ...

Sensitive people are the most genuine and honest people you will ever meet.. 
There is nothing they won't tell you about themselves if they trust your kindness.. 

However, the moment you betray them, reject them or devalue them, they become the worse type of person.. 
Unfortunately, they end up hurting themselves in the long run... 

They don't want to hurt other people.. It is against their very nature. They want to make amends and undo the wrong they did...

Their life is a wave of highs and lows. They live with guilt and constant pain over unresolved situations and misunderstandings... 

They are tortured souls that are not able to live with hatred or being hated.. This type of person needs the most love anyone can give them because their soul has been constantly bruised by others.. 

However, despite the tragedy of what they have to go through in life, they remain the most compassionate people worth knowing, and the ones that often become soothers for the broken hearted, forgotten and the misunderstood.. 

They are angels with broken wings that only fly when loved... They are us .. 

hamza ..

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Silent Answers ..

gone is the feeling, 
gone is the song..
all we could be,
gone with all we are..
and we aren't hurt at all...
we haven't changed, which
has changed everything..
that is beyond you and me,
which is everything we need..
to change all we are..
that has gone without us,
that i won't know you..
not knowing me, to ourselves,
we've become only strangers..
it's all we have, all we do,
that doesn't move us at all...

hamza ..

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Lost In The Words ..

My inspiration had disappeared in the haze..
Lost my creativity.. but I was left unfazed
With so much time left to live and learn..
I believed they would once again return...

So much to write.. and with just so much to share...
I stared at the paper.. but there was nothing there...
Didn't need to see it written when I felt it inside...
You just can't force it out.. but I sure as hell tried...

I had gone to another dark place within my mind..
Fooling myself and everyone else that I was fine...
Rather than panic.. I had gone manic.. losing control...
Feeling myself rot inside as denial had taken its toll...

As the internal pain and agony slowly began to subside..
It had unlocked all the emotions I had bottled up inside...
I realized that I had nearly lost my life yet again..
And learned that this isn't how it's going to end...

They must have seen something in me.. I'm not sure what they had found..
But I imagine it must have been good.. after all they had stayed around...
Here I am feeling worthless now.. just like this dirt here on the ground..
Because deep down I know.. that I was the one who has let them down...

If I could right each and every wrong.. you must know that I would..
And to go back in the past.. oh how I wish and dream that I could...
There is something else that I realize that I must do.. I really know I should..
And that is.. not to just say goodbye for now.. but to say just stay
If you could...

hamza ..

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Over Patience and Silence ..

Strange -
The journey set upon,
for I have never traveled ..
seeking just to close in finally ..
on home. I would see it only ..
as an inference laid bare ..
as I would strip away each incident ..
that stained it, cover it with ..
physicality, expose it to ..
the mothering of earth and sky ..
and finally betray it with a death or .. life,
which to be valid ..
must include each other..

And that is just beginning..
Intangibles are stubborn beasts,
and where was I? I could no longer ..
wrap myself in second-hand opinions,
assumed cachet, or ..
the wisdom of my peers..
Time ..and its attendant rite ..
already hastened those along ..

But consciousness is in control..
Its mentor is the sun,
I, its pale moon with no light ..
of its own, its surface shallow,
with serenity I do not feel...
One alone with quiet thought ..
finds time's reward draws closer still..
Who am I .. ?

An imposter, I may well conclude ..
and in a breath, a thief,
who stole another's air..

I'm an irony to my grave ..