Friday, August 9, 2013

A Strong Belief ..

If our lives depend on things like space
and time, then when we finally overcome space
and time.. we've destroyed our own togetherness...
But overcome space, and all we have left is Here..
Overcome time, and all we have left is Now...
And in the middle of Here and Now, it is always possible that we might
come across each other once in a while..

That's why these stories don't have endings.. They
don't have endings because care doesn't end... It grows with time ..
It grows with space ...

And its hard pretending that we don't care... Extremely hard ..

If ever they knew ... I wish ...

hamza ..


  1. Hello! Amazing blog here. I love your poetry. Some more than the rest. Do you blog on wordpress too? Because i've read you somewhere else too. Or writerscafe maybe?

    1. Writersccafe maybe .. It was once a pulse for me .. Long time ago ..

      Thank you anyway for your kind words ...
