Sunday, February 17, 2013

The Freedom Of Choice ..

The end result of your life here on earth, will always be the sum total of the choices you make while you are here," said a wise soul, driving home the importance of making the right choices in life.
Do we really give importance to the choices we make every day in our lives, or do we function on autopilot? Aren't most of our choices motivated by our conditioning, our belief systems, and by what the people will think?

Yet how many of us really sit, and think our choices through? Aren't we swayed by emotions while making a choice? The world is in the shape it is today, because of decisions taken in haste. "Decide in haste, repent at leisure," our ancestors warned us, stressing the need of taking time out and making responsible choices.

A calm and collected mind thus seems to be ideal for making a crucial choice. Though one needs to consult near and dear ones at times, and move from emotion to intellect while making a choice, the highest choices remain those that are motivated by the soul. Managing our self thus means making right choices in tangent with the Higher Self.

Finally, the most important choice we can make is the way in which we choose to see life. If we choose to see ourselves as aliens, separate beings in a hostile world, that will be our destiny in the world of relativity. If, on the other hand, we choose to see the world as one huge unit, then naturally the actions that stem from such a choice will be of love and peace, for how can you hurt others if the others are part of it? Therefore, our choices made out of oneness will chart out a beautiful destiny.

As one gets into the flow of following the nudges of one's Higher Self, one slips into the enviable state called the choiceless awareness, where one just responds to the present moment spontaneously, without any preconceived ideas, where one's actions are directed not even by choice but just awareness. 

Till we reach the state where the chooser and the doer cease to exist, and there is only the soul witnessing the experiences it has created with life, we need to take small steps, aware of even the littlest choices we make. Choosing to shut out external noise once in a while and connecting to the stillness within, and thus choosing to connect to our Higher Self, goes a long way in helping us make all other choices.

When we choose to allow others to create their own painting on the canvas of life using their own colours of choice.. 
we truly choose to give the greatest gift to self and others, freedom, the birthright of every soul...

hamza .. :)

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