Saturday, February 22, 2020

And Yes, Said It Was, A Long Time Ago..

Sometimes, we might be too close...

But the distance within, is too large...

What on other days, is just a convoke..

Sometimes, is a cry, unanswered... 


If I Sum It Up...

It used to rain sometimes..
While I used to be on my way..
I used to get all soaked up..
While taking the important way...

Life was simple, the needs little..
Joy was countless, even in them..
That little upward curve was worth everything..
The everything that eventually was...

Then maybe my presence was felt..
Maybe too much, too much to take..
I was abandoned, given up..
Left to just a dust, over an unused shelf..

The hate grew, and so did the distance..
It came fast, even with life on a slow.. 
Those little things became a burden, after all..
Everything so hateful, everything a curse..

And then, the blame,
the hurtful words,
the cheerless conversations,
the lifeless smiles...

A day to remember, is all I have..
A morning full of me is all what's left..
The day is long, the night too dark...
My sight.. short... My prayers.. unheard.. 


A Minute Of Retrospection..

Everything is just so possible ..
Hopelessness has just so little place in our lives ..

But, where do we find it?
Within? Within what?
